Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 17 December 2021


Lots of sun today and mild temperatures.
As I was making breakfast this morning a little ginger face appeared at the door. By the time I'd fetched the camera Speedy arrived and pushed past Ginger Cat who moved respectfully away. By their interaction I don't think this is who Speedy has been scrapping with.
Straight after breakfast I took my parcels down to the Post Office and thankfully my kitchen scales proved accurate and I didn't need to repack that parcel.
Naturally the good weather drew me to the beach where I had a refreshing walk. It was so lovely to be walking along with the sun warming my back.
At first I thought this small (3ft) conger eel was a tusk or horn of a prehistoric animal before realising it was just a fish. While that was not such a far fetched idea as prehistoric elk antlers have been found washed out of the pertrified forest bed considering how many dog walkers would have passed that way already it was a bit silly. Further along the beach was the very large carcass of a big, 7ft at least, seal and less unpleasant was a 20 ft tree trunk high on the shingle.
The driftwood reindeer has made its appearance and I expect it looks magical when the tiny tree lights wrapped around it are lit up. I will admit this was what gave me the idea for my outdoor driftwood tree.
Back home I did a bit of work in the garden cutting back a holly tree/bush that had grown into the hedge. It needed doing as it was adding to the width of the hedge which I've been working on reducing as stretching to cut the top of the hedge is bad for my ribs. I was able to use the cut off branches with their top knots of spikey leaves to fill a couple of holes in the hedge which allowed people to look through to the terrace.
Then I finished off two felted tree decorations giving the hen some beaded legs and adding one red bead to the bauble which Peter says now looks like a hot air balloon. 
After piano practice which has been lacking during my baking and making week I still had time for an hour of Welsh practice. DuoLingo is great for lots of repitition the only drawback being that it uses South Wales Welsh and there's no option for North Wales Welsh. 


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