Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 4 December 2021


Wild and windy today. Mostly grey, sometimes sunny and often raining.
I didn't walk up the hill today and instead did piano and guitar practice and worked out how to edit and send my Welsh homework. I'm still falling into the trap of planning too much for each day and feel that I have been working nonstop all day long. The simple solution would be not to plan to do as much or get up earlier.
Last night my back was aching so I went off to watch tv with a soothing hot water bottle at my back which helps enormously. All was fine until I felt a damp feeling down my leg. No, not that! but I hadn't checked the stopper on the hot water bottle properly and it had leaked. Luckily the armchair under the loose cover is leather and  after a quick change of pjs and dressing gown I was able to carry on watching The Great British Sewing Bee. It was 70s week and for one challenge they had to use 70s sewing machines which looked very much like mine.
Today, once I'd done the usual jobs I got on with hand sewing the two door curtains together and finishing off the hems. After that was done I baked a sultana cake for Peter. No particular recipe, just what I call a basic cake mixture with a generous amount of sultanas, some almonds and cinnamon, ginger and mixed spice thrown for good measure. I might have to try a small slice later to check that it's okay.
Speedy's still not happy about his ear drops but I do give him some cat treats or his dinner straight away to take his mind off my torturing. 
As darkness fell the storm outside increased in intensity. The builder was due to come today to put those two tiles back but it wouldn't have been safe for him to climb about on a wet roof in all this wind.

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