Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 12 December 2021

Craft Fair.

Mild and wet today. It was what we in the West Country call mizzle, a fine but soaking rain.
Today was the day of a craft fair held in a converted chapel which is our local arts venue. Borth and the surrounding area is home to a number of artists and crafts people so as I expected the items on offer were rather special.
Wanting to support local ventures I went hoping to find a couple of presents which I did (will show them after Christmas) but I wasn't so succesful in finding something for our home, kind of a self gift.
As ever my eye was drawn to the ceramics. I knew they would be expensive but if there had been something perfect that I could immediately envision on display in our home I would have induged but nothing called to me in that way. I did like the large bowl with the blue base and white top on the left but it was £48 and not quite ideal.
I do love this lady's felted items but I think I ought to be making my own. I would have bought the piece of driftwood painted with the three cross seagulls on the right but not at £85.
In the end I bought some printed greetings cards and this hand painted slate. At 4" high it's too heavy for the little tree but I like at as an all year round decorative item. 
This is how Speedy spent most of his day.
When I got back from the fair I found that Peter had already heaved our dehumidifier up the ladder into the loft and all that was left for me to do was to go up and search for the little lights and the tiny tree animals. I found the lights easily enough but I wasn't until I thought again that I remembered the little animals were in a big box of gift wrap items. I think I better leave a note inside the box of tree driftwood to save myself spending time searching next year. I moved the tree onto the desk as the cupboard top was getting too crowded.
Today's baking task was to make the Lebkuchen. I find the hardest part is dipping the biscuits in melted chocolate. To have enough chocolate to get an even 'dip' I'd have to use at least double the required amount of chocolate which would be a bit silly.
I prefer to use freshly grated nutmeg instead of ground and I just had to show the miniature grater I use for this.
Off now for supper and Strictly after I've gone up to the loft to empty out the dehudifier.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Mizzle - a good name for that kind of rain!
Always fun to walk around a craft fair.
I have one of those tiny graters too - mine has a red top and my mom gave it to me years ago. :)