Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 9 June 2023

Nearly Done.

A lot more clouds in the sky but still very hot and with a strong wind blowing it has been a perfect day for drying washing. Two machine loads washed and dried and another tub of stored clothes aired.
The Sky box is officially defunct even though it is almost new. Peter spent a long time on the phone this morning being talked through all the diagnostic stuff by the Sky help desk person. The final outcome is that we have no tv (apart from on our pcs) and a new box is being delivered tomorrow. It's sad how much we rely on the tv for entertainment even though we love to read and I'm happy just to stare at the sea. Tonight we'll be sitting out on the terrace watching the sun go down, might be a pretty one with all the clouds.
Eventually Peter went off to town to the dump and to buy more cement while I got on with the walling. I only need to clean off five more blocks and stick them and the coping stones on and the job will be done. It's quite rustic and I certainly wouldn't give myself a job building a house but rustic in the garden is fine for me. I've already got the next two jobs fully planned out and then there's the exciting job of creating a small pond/water feature with a raised bed on at least one side. These are the sort of projects that evolve as I sit and think about the possibilities.
All today's photos were taken in the back garden. I was saddened when I saw that both clumps of agapanthus had died over the winter but to my amazement each has a new shoot emerging. In the front garden both of the established fuschias also looked brown and dead but one already has 18 inches of growth and the other is catching up.


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