Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 12 June 2023


This morning the cloud had lifted enough to reveal the village but it was still hot and humid.
From here I could look across the sea and just make out the beach I walked along yesterday. I had walked right up to the tip of the headland before turning round.
We both felt quite worn out after yesterday so we had a lazy morning listening to The Archers over breakfast. I was lucky enough to see two dolphins fishing close to the cliff, maybe they were the same pair we'd seen yesterday evening. 
Before doing anything else I had to go into town. I needed to collect Speedy's tube of gel to rub on his gums (£18!) but even though I'd been told to go to the town vet I ended up having to go over to the other surgery which was a bit of a nuisance. I also had to go to the bank and I had a bag of hardly worn sheepskin boots etc to take to the charity shop. They were always a bit tight and now with this still growing bump on the side of my toe I won't ever wear them. At that charity shop I bought myself another clear glass sphere with bubbles inside, much smaller than the others I have.
It had been quite hazy in town but I returned to Borth to find it bathed in sunshine. However as I stood at the door with a mug of coffee in hand ready to sit outside for a moment before finishing off the wall down came the first raindrops. The rain quickly became torrential and then came the thunder. It rolled on and on for over two and a half hours, no gaps just continual thunder that sometimes got a lot louder. I didn't see any lightning in that time though the greyest clouds were behind the house. Then came a break when I thought I might be able to go out to mix up one last tub of mortar but a quarter of an hour later the storm returned or another one arrived. This time I saw one lightning streak which looked to hit the ground somewhere on the River Dyfi. The thunder seemed to fade out quite quickly but it rained for at least another hour. The ground needs the water but I hope there wasn't any flooding.
And now for a few more photos of sunny Aberdyfi yesterday.


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