Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 22 June 2023


Sunny again but the late evening sky is full of black clouds so a change may be on the way.
Today was one of those days when I woke, went to the bathroom and then never returned to bed. Okay, that was only a 7.00 start but after not getting to sleep until after 2.00 for several nights in a row that's good going for me. (I'm writing this very late at night so please excuse any typos or general weirdness in my writing.)
Having had my first mug of tea sitting outside I was trimming the overgrown hedge next to the terrace when I realised I'd left my secateurs at the zoo yesterday. I wasn't worried about the secateurs themselves as they are very old and quite blunt but as I knew exactly where I'd left them I was concerned that a child might pick them up. So I drove down to the zoo, got them and was home before breakfast.  And also before breakfast, our neighbour had noticed a bag left on the pavement in front of her house and thought it might belong to the chap that lives behind us. He walks down to the shop once or twice a day but goes very slowly as he has COPD. I took it round and sure enough it was his.

Being Thursday it was Welsh class day which takes out the middle of the day but there was still time for an hour's gardening before preparing for the lesson. Most of that hour was spent topping up the raised bed with top soil from the dumpy bag inside the front gate. It wasn't until after class that I started on the step. I thought it would be relatively quick to lay the slabs on a dry mix of sand and cement but first I needed to tidy up the blocks under the step. Then I needed a lot of the dry mix to even the levels across the old step and the demolished wall. It took forever but eventually it was done and I could collapse with a coffee and the first set of evening painkillers.
Today's class was the last one of our second year of learning Welsh. No more classes until the end of September. Instead of starting the next unit we just did revision mostly of I was and I had (2 forms). Not only is there all the conjugation to remember but .... if it's a positive statement the verb begins with R but if it's a negative statement the verb begins with D and if it's a question the verb begins with O. Confusing or what? We've come a long way but there is so much more to learn. 


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