Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 1 February 2024


Dry and calm today. 
I continued with the kitchen cleaning getting a couple of base units done in the morning. One nice thing about doing the kitchen is that no matter which or how many cupboards you work on by the end of the day the kitchen returns back to its tidy self until eventually everything is done.
Of course being Thursday it was Welsh class. I had a minor crisis when my picture froze and then cut out completely. Thinking it was a fault with the wire or connection I unplugged and plugged and jiggled the wire all to no avail and had to continue without being seen on screen though luckily the sound was working. Eventually it turned out to have been a problem with the signal and Peter was able to help me get it working again.
It was a relief when class was over and I was able to destress by heading out to the garden. I filled a couple more bags and put down two more paving slabs. Now that the days are getting lighter I was able to work until 5.00 and then had to rush around getting things done before walking down to the hall for aerobics.

As it's the first of the month I thought I would showcase the latest flowers to appear in the garden. Out in the back garden the first hyacinth flowers are out. There are quite a few of both the pink and the white hyacinths which will eventually be moved to the front garden.
The clump of snowdrops is doing well too. A few strays are coming up elsewhere as well.
The crocuses under the hydrangeas are just beginning to show a little colour.
The first of the pots of pale blue starflowers have begun to flower. There are more pots of these and they will be planted out in a swathe around the herbaceous perennials when I make the new flower beds.
A bright yellow daff, the first of many if the number of green shoots is anything to go by.
In the rockery, this plant whose name I can't remember looks to all intents and purposes like a white aubretia.
But the star of the show has to be this alpine marguerite which has continued flowering all winter long even though it is in one of the most exposed positions in the garden. I will definitely try and take some cuttings from it. 
Just before leaving for aerobics I spotted a very pretty sunset. 


1 comment:

happyone said...

How nice to see flowers already!! :)