Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 15 February 2024


Not quite as much rain today though it felt generally damp and gloomy. For most of the morning all I could see was grey and more grey. But later between showers the light improved and the sea had changed colour each time I looked.
I carried on with the Spring cleaning and turfed out the other side of the pine cupboard. Even though I found alternate homes for some of the stuff it was still a case of playing Jenga to get everything back in.  I've left out our collection of binoculars as I'm sure we don't need all seven pairs. The smallest pair I take out on walks are just right for me, I only see double using the fancy Praktica ones no matter how I position the two halves. Quite often when we've been out walking my camera is useful for zooming right in on something in the distance.
No Welsh class today as it is half-term but I went through all we've done in our course book and wrote down nearly a hundred questions and the corresponding replies. Since there is no yes or no in Welsh you have to answer with something that relates to the verb in a particular form eg I did, I was, I will be, etc. And of course for most of those there are different versions depending if it is I, you, he etc. One of our friends came up with the idea of writing the questions and replies randomly on flip cards to help learn the replies and at last I'm getting round to doing that. I still have to write out it all out on the cards but at least half the job is done.
Since Thursday is Cake and Cultivate day down at the Community Gardens (too wet to think about going today) I thought I'd put in a link to this video about the community gardens which was made as part of a project promoting allotments, gardens and community food growing in Ceredigion. I'm looking forward to the summer when I can meet up with people again and enjoy the tasty cake.
(I'm finishing off this post after supper.) There were some dramatic red streaks in the sky as I walked down to disco aerobics. It has been much warmer today and the leaping about had us all sweating copiously by the end. So much fun and good for the heart too.


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