Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 20 February 2024

The Balustrade.

It looked a bit damp this morning but then stayed dry right up until 2.00 which gave the builders time to fit the balustrade. Or at least most of it. When the builder sent the measurements to the glass company he drew a short return at both ends even though the plan was to have a longer section right up to the steps on one side. It wasn't a major problem as they were able to fit most of the balustrade and it will only be a week or so before the extra glass and poles arrive.
We had both become used to the open view so it will take a while to get used to the balustrade.
But apart from being non-compliant with building regs there is always the chance that one of us might totter off the edge in our dotage. And there's the bonus that we will be sheltered from the wind which is usually blowing from the sea. I can just imagine lying on a sun lounger soaking up the sun, that is after I've finished all the garden work.
For the time being I've drawn lines on the glass with a bar of soap, which I had to run down to the shop to buy, so that the birds don't try and fly through the glass. A few weeks should be enough for them to get used to it.
The pouring rain has shown up another drawback. What was a clear view is now obscured by the rain on the glass. Because we had to have the thickest glass there's also a faint green tinge to the colour of the sea beyond. The last thing I'm going to have to get used to is the way the size of the terrace has shrunk now that it is enclosed. It had to be done and this was the best option. Of course all glass with no uprights or handrail would have been lovely but wasn't suitable for this position.
The builders also put up the extra mirror in the bathroom and redid the shower tray seal with a more flexible sealant.
In between making cups of tea I've made a start on working out the pattern for my next crochet throw for our sofa. It will be squares using up the different grey wools (it's a shame writing shades of grey has suspect connotations these days) with a very small two colour square inside but off centre. I got the inspiration from seeing a sewn quilt on-line, I think the small squares were appliqued on or it might have been a kind of log cabin design. I'm carefully writing down what I'm doing for the prototype square, we'll see how it goes.

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