Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 12 February 2024

Some Good, Some Not So Good.

Plenty of sun in the morning with a reasonable amount of wind for drying. Heavy showers began in the early afternoon so who knows what it will be like tomorrow?
I didn't sleep well last night so had to rely on an alarm clock to wake me at 8.00. I needed to get up straight away to move the car off the drive as we were expecting a delivery of the parts for the balustrade. The plan was delivery today and the builder would be here tomorrow to fit the balustrade. That's all on hold now as for some reason they couldn't deliver today. Ho hum, I should have known it was too good to be true.
The next thing planned for today was to book a doctor's appointment which I got for later in the afternoon. Things were looking up. But it wasn't a very successful appointment. I explained about the indefinite waiting time to have my toe cyst removed but apparently it is only the hospital who can refer me to a different health trust. And yes I am getting a bunion. So the cyst is now causing not only pain and inconvenience but permanent damage to the joint. I asked about going private and although the doctor did give me details of one clinic he knew your GP cannot recommend private clinics. The advice I got was to look on Google which didn't seem to be the best option. The final thing was the problem of my extremely cold feet, something that's only happened this winter. The doctor checked the blood flow in my legs and feet and said it was fine.  He thought maybe I just have cold feet but this is like standing in an icy mountain stream even with sheepskin slipper boots and fleeces piled over a hot water bottle. After a bit of insistence on my part that things are not normal he's booked me in for a blood test and if nothing shows on that he'll order x-rays of my ankles.
I was able to do some work in the garden while it was still sunny and later I was occupied ironing the bedding. It has felt like quite an up and down day but at least it finished with a pretty pink sky. And we've got The Great Pottery Throw Down to watch tonight.


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