Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 14 February 2024

Still Wet.

What a surprise! It has been raining again today. Not the weather for putting up a balustrade.
Happy Valentine's Day. I hope that there have been some special moments in your day. Peter got my hints about not wanting to go overboard with sweet stuff and as well as some Lindor and roses, white ones this year there were raspberries and strawberries for healthier treats. We're treating ourselves to a meal of barbecue spare ribs, new potatoes, mangetout and mushrooms tonight.

In the morning when the rain wasn't too heavy I went out and did a bit of gardening. The buds on the hydrangeas are already opening so I cut back the bush right in the middle of the garden to stop it from blocking the view of the rest of the garden. That was followed by some general weeding in the flower beds until it got too wet to stay out.
Back indoors I carried on with the Spring cleaning and emptied out one side of the big pine cupboard. All the china and glassware was washed and I aired my stash of blue/grey furnishing fabrics. There's enough there to make some toning cushion covers to go on the sofa, that is once I've bought some good quality inners. The priority will be cushions for the chair that will live by the bookcase in the hall but I don't have a chair there yet. A few things have been put aside to take to the charity shop. I still like them but don't have anywhere to display them so they might as well go to a new home and raise some money for charity at the same time. Much as I hate to part with stuff it's quite liberating once the decision has been made to let it go.
I don't usually eat lunch but sometimes get tempted to have a snack with my coffee when I stop for a break. Today I had a real treat, ricotta cheese, raspberries and rye bread. That may sound like a strange combination but think of it as a deconstructed (I've seen the term used on the posh cooking shows), healthy alternative to a raspberry cheesecake. It had to be healthier minus the sugar, cream and butter normally used to make a cheesecake. Anyway it tasted delicious.


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