Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 2 February 2024


We've been in the clouds for most of the day which means it's been wet with little visibility. While I was in town I could see the clouds creeping down the hill until they were almost down to sea level.
It was too wet to sit outside with my morning cuppa, instead I sheltered in the doorway for my quiet moment. As usual my mind wandered far and wide and I came up with -My Morning Musings. (Note the alliteration there.) I was staring out to sea enjoying the peacefulness the scene and comparing it to my fantasy of living surrounded by nature with beautiful views from every window. But what I have is like life, there are good bits and not so good bits and I can choose which I focus on. If I choose the good view straight in front of me I can forget about the houses around and my mind will help by editing out the lamp post and the road sign that also inhabit the view. And the same with life, at least that's the analogy that works for me. Enjoy the good that is there and push the other stuff to the side. A bit later on as I was crawling along the 2 miles of Bow Street at 20mph my mind wandered again (that's always happening to me) and I thought that even if I had my fantasy location I might be wishing for the things I already have and take for granted; people in my life, a warm and comfortable home, enough money for my needs and the sea to look at and walk by. So I took a moment to be grateful for everything I do have.
Ramblings over and back to my day. I like Fridays, I get so much in and of course they start with riding. I had Cadno again and apart from having to keep his energy level up he went really well for me. He's the sort of horse who can be a bit ploddy but once you wake him up goes very well on the bit and bends nicely around the leg. The owner was teaching us again, the two girl instructors were part of our lesson and for the last few weeks we've been joined by a chap on his own horse. (Which wasn't so well behaved.) We did some canter work and at the end of the lesson for once we worked as a whole ride (everyone one behind the other) with the person in front being sent off to canter a 20m circle before joining the back of the ride. The biggest challenge in that exercise was keeping the horses all together just 1m apart. 
After the lesson I went into the town via the dump to get rid of more weeds from the lawn. I couldn't go straight there as the road was closed, I'm not sure why and I had to take a diversion to get into town. In Morrisons I gave in and bought yet another soft fleece that was on sale. I only allowed myself to buy it on the premise that I would clear out at least one of my older fleeces which I have now done. I also treated myself to a small bag, this time in one of the charity shops and just £2. I liked the fact that it has a long strap and is the right size for those times when I'm not lugging my camera around with me. (Just tried and my camera does fit in but it's a tight squeeze and I wouldn't be able to fit anything else in.)
I had some ironing to do after which there wasn't time to do any kitchen cleaning. Never mind, there's always tomorrow.


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