Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 3 February 2024


I thought yesterday was grey but today has been greyer still. At times it cleared enough for us to see the reefs and the village but for most of the day there was nothing at all. Maybe it's nature's way of telling me to appreciate the view I do have.
I had to have my morning cuppa sitting inside the door just to get my hit of fresh air. With no chance of working in the garden or at least not without getting soaked I've had to spend the day cleaning the kitchen cupboards and checking the contents. I'm not sure why we need to have 10 mugs but I still can't shake off memories of the time when we would often have a house full of people and need that many and more. For everyday use I keep the plates and bowls we need in an easy to access drawer under the cutlery drawer while the rest are kept in a wall cupboard. One thing I'm glad we were able to incorporate in the kitchen is a large pull-out drawer under the oven which holds all the baking trays, tins and frying pans. Next thing for the kitchen is to re-oil the worktop.
This afternoon I finally got my hands on my laptop which was presented to me or at least I was shown it as a present over a year ago, maybe even two. Why the delay? It needed things loaded on it or stuff done and every time I asked I was told it wasn't quite ready. One of the reasons I asked for a laptop was to have something to take in the camper which of course isn't going to happen but the main reason was as a back-up if my main pc should fail in some way. The last time that happened I had so much trouble getting back into things like Blogger or FB. I couldn't get into my emails and so couldn't get the confirmation code every time I tried to put in a new password. Now at least I can get my emails on my phone but to save all that hassle my most used sites are bookmarked on the laptop. However I notice that I am now sharing the laptop though I don't think that matters very much. 

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