Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 9 February 2024


We've had more rain again today. Not so much torrential downpours but a level up from simply being stuck in the clouds. There were some hints of sun later in the afternoon which cheered things up.
Today I rode Margaret, woohoo! She's a lot lighter and bouncier in trot than Cadno and once we were both warmed up it felt a lot floatier. Sitting trot is feeling a lot more natural now too. It was all walk and trot work and we each worked on different aspects on our riding and the way our horse was going. Margaret gets onto the bit fairly easily so today I worked on getting her to lift her head whilst still remaining on the bit. Whenever we're walking round on a loose rein I use the time to correct my posture. In my head I have this lovely straight back and then I look in the mirrors across the end of the school and realise how far from the reality that is. Need to do more exercises at home. After the lesson my schooling whip was missing from where I'd left it by my coat in the boot room. I asked and looked everywhere and was about to go home with one of the schooling whips, not as new as mine, that are kept in the tack room when one of my fellow riders realised she had borrowed it thinking it belonged to the stables and left it in the stall with her horse. I shall write my name on it using nail polish so it doesn't get mislaid again. Really I could leave it in the car as I borrow the shortest crop for Cadno and don't carry anything when I'm riding Margaret .
After riding I took yet more bags full of the old lawn to the dump and then on to do the supermarket shopping. Had my usual mooch around the charity shops and refrained from buying two glass paperweights as neither was beautiful enough to bring home.
When I got home I put away the shopping and then hoovered and washed floors before sitting down for a welcome break. I would much rather push on and do the jobs I have on my mental list and then rest rather than rest and then begin working again. I also baked a Bara Brith, with nuts in as requested by Peter. 
I see from a local FB page that the last dentist in Aber that did NHS work has now informed all the NHS patients that they will have to pay for private treatment which most cannot afford.  And that is after months of them repeatedly cancelling appointments both for checks-ups and for treatment. It's an absolutely dreadful situation which is being repeated in towns and cities across the UK.


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