Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 28 May 2024


Another dramatic sunset last night when the sun shone through a gap between two cloud banks.
Then it rained all night and for most of the day only clearing up at the very end.
As it was far too wet to do anything outside I carried on sorting out all my craft materials.
Having got almost everything into the white boxes it was amazing to see how the chaos across the floor fitted onto the shelves. Mind you this was at the second attempt. The first time round I couldn't understand why I still had a number of boxes left over as I was sure I had been careful to buy just the right amount. It was only after I moved one set of uprights along the shelves that  everything slotted into place.
Since I failed to find any home made cakes to buy yesterday I thought a rainy day would be a good time to have another attempt at making a meringue roulade. My previous attempts when I had used a silicone mat instead of baking parchment had failed and I wondered if the silicone didn't allow enough heat through. That may have been the case as today's try worked and tasted very nice too with the tartness of raspberries cutting through the sweetness of the meringue. The next time we have visitors, a rare occurrence, a roulade might well be on the menu.
The first of the pond irises has flowered. Fingers crossed that it doesn't get snapped by the wind.
The waves built up through the afternoon and it wasn't long before the bay was dotted with surfers and kite surfers. The rain stopped in time for my walk down to the hall for Pilates and there was some sun on my return walk home.

1 comment:

HappyK said...

Gorgeous skies. Nice job getting all your craft supplies neat and tidy.