Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Hand Over The Lambkin.

The cold continues so I shall say no more (at least for now). We had our last afternoon performance of the play today. The children are getting quite good at getting themselves into their stage clothes and helping each other. It felt rather chaotic to me today because I ended up with all 30 children on my own but they were quite sensible. I took this picture inadvertently while showing my student how to use the camera so that she could take some pictures during the performance. I'm stuck in a corner at the side of the stage helping the 40-odd children there to be quiet when they should be and to sing when they're supposed to sing. Then there's the constant adjusting of costumes especially the shepherds' headgear which was forever being tugged at and falling off. At least today the lamb was handed over to Mary. At the dress rehearsal that particular shepherd decided not to hand it over (we hadn't had it for earlier rehearsals) and there was a lot of whispering from the other children on the stage especially 'Mary' telling him to give her the lamb but he wouldn't. The children gave a good performance on the stage though I do have to confess to bribing my class with the last of the chocolates (only Minstrels). Just the evening performance tomorrow and we're hoping that most parents will bring their children back for it. I've already got one child not coming because of swimming club (only told me on Monday) and a sickness bug is spreading through the children as well. Lovely!
If you find cats amusing check out Simon's Cat on Youtube, very funny.

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