Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 31 May 2024


There was another dramatic sunset last night. That's Bardsey Island in silhouette, I had assumed the sun would continue to go down directly behind it but instead the sun appeared to slide off to the right. Then right at the end there was another green flash. Not a very bright one but there was a definite change of hue.
This morning the wind had lessened but came from the north bringing cold air. It was cloudy to begin with but there have been long sunny spells during the day tempered by the chill from the wind. 
At the stables I rode Margaret again. From the photo she could be a small pony standing next to a very low barn but in fact she is quite a tall horse (her back is about level with my nose). There were only four of us in the lesson (as it's half-term there was a four hour ride going out later on) but we still kept running into each other as two of the horses seemed to be going very slowly. All the work was in trot, we did some work on riding in a straight line and coming to a square halt. Margaret was very distracted to start with. She kept reacting to noises outside the school and whinnying back when she heard horses in the field. She's only a young horse and it took a while to get her to focus on what I was asking.
Afterwards I did the usual round of shopping amongst the hordes of people and managed to avoid buying any more plants. I did find some roller tape, so useful for sticking down pictures, and have stuck down both sets of photos. The black horse is Meg, my own horse that I bought from a riding school and then donated to the city farm and finally retired her to a sanctuary in Essex. She ended her days fostered to a lass who could only do light riding due to an injury. The other horses are a mix of riding school horses and the horses that I used to look after in the East End of London.
While our local MP judged the village scarecrows and awarded first prize to 'Alan Bates' the people's vote went to 'Donkey Doyle'. I hadn't known that Andy's dad (below) actually used to do the donkey rides on the beach.
Below is a postcard from the 1950s. I wonder if that is Andy's grandad?
The right angled screwdriver set came while I was out and while I haven't yet put the wardrobe doors back on I have sawn off a long section of the insulated plasterboard. I'm trying my best not to take off too much but to work in small increments. That's the plan anyway.


HappyK said...

The orange sky is spectacular.

WendyAnn said...

Really love that pic showing Bardsey and the setting sun
Wendy (Wales)