Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 1 June 2024

More Rowing.

The sun shone this morning and the weather in general was much more appropriate for the first day of June.
I had a dreadful night's sleep due mainly to my upper back being very sore. While the loss of sleep wasn't fun I see the aching as a sign that I had given my upper back muscles a good workout during the riding lesson in my attempts to correct my posture. And that is a good thing. Looking back at the photos of me on horses I can see that even 50 years ago I had a tendency to slouch. Possibly as a result of being 5ft 8ins at 10 years old. My mother was forever telling me to 'stand up straight' but I think it would have helped if she would have suggested I look in a mirror or take dance or aerobics classes. Well I'm having to work hard now to correct the damage.
In my endeavours to stay active this morning I went rowing, again! This time for over an hour though it was a training row for us newbies. There were enough people (including people I know from the walking group) for us to take out both boats so there was plenty of work to do both before and after the row, bringing the second boat up from the car park across the road and then taking the boats down to the water. The good news is that my fear of being out on the water has gone, I was far too busy watching Peter's oar and listening for the splash of the oars dipping into the sea so that  I stayed in time. I think I did all right. Plus there was the bonus of seeing dolphins, only their dorsal fins but that still counts. Now all that remains is to see how my back and shoulders cope with the rowing.
There were plenty of new flowers to chose from for my 'first of the month flowers'. Above is one of my favourite hardy geraniums Mrs Kendall Clark while the low growing varieties are already flowering well.
When I got back from rowing there was still plenty to be done at home. First was giving the windows and the balustrade a wash as the recent bad weather had left them with a misty coating of salt.
And then it was on to my least favourite job of the day, screwing the cupboards door back onto the frame. I  chopped away more of the insulated plasterboard but even so it was very awkward and painfully slow. In both senses of the word, slow to do as I turned each screw a quarter turn or less at a time and very painful on my fingers as I applied pressure while still keeping the screwdriver gadget/thingy in place. It took a long time but eventually the top cupboard door was back in place albeit slightly out of line with the other door. My hands need at least a day to recover and then I'll tackle the wardrobe door. What is most frustrating and annoying is that there was no need whatsoever for the builder to take those doors off. (This was our first builder while we were still in Devon.) He knew the built in wardrobe was staying and the other walls were done neatly around the wardrobe but I guess he just didn't know what to do with the thicker plasterboard.
I've got plenty of the common pink hardy geranium but none of the blue which I had tumbling down the hillside at Dingles. I might ask my neighbour if she's got some in her garden on their farm.


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