Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 15 June 2024


The day began by looking as if we were going to get the forecast heavy showers and thunderstorms but the wind blew them all inland. It stayed windy with quite a lot of warm sunshine to cheer things up and then some rain to end the afternoon.
I may have felt that I had a relaxed ride yesterday but my body didn't feel that way. I had a lot of pain from the cartilage between my ribs which kept me up late last night. I was forced to binge-watch Bridgeton, I know - mindless fantasy, loosely set in Georgian times but it helps while away the hours. On a positive note I must have been using my muscles properly to sit up straight and get those shoulders back. It's hard work to correct a lifetime of slouching but I'm trying my best. This morning's cuppa was made by Peter and drunk in bed as I slowly returned to wakefulness. 
It's rather nice not to be faced with a big project, indoors or out, and be able to simply potter round the garden. 
Jobs done included; sorting some plants for one of my fellow walkers, potting on some nerine bulbs into a large container, taking cuttings, moving some ground cover plants into the shingle and planting out these succulents grown from cuttings. They're in a plastic container to make it easy to bring them indoors for the winter. I originally got them for the windowsill by the table but as it was north facing they just didn't get enough light. 
This is the second flower produced by the California poppy and it too has succumbed to the weather.


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