Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

A Trip to Mach.

Although the sun quickly disappeared behind a cloudbank last night we still had an almost tropical sky before it got dark.
There had been something else to watch earlier on too. As we sat to eat our evening meal I spotted some people setting up a camera on a tripod on the cliff but unusually instead of pointing towards the sunset the camera was pointing back towards the village. Jokingly I wondered if Mark our neighbour was going to make a video as part of his election campaign (he was the Liberal Democrat MP before being deposed by Plaid Cymru). And then Mark appeared doing just that. He saw us and gave us a big wave before filming began.
First thing this morning it was miserable and grey with the steady drizzle forcing me to shelter inside the doorway with my morning cuppa. But things began to improve and soon the sun was shining down on a glassy sea. There were no waves, just gentle ripples across the surface that was reflecting the clouds above. Far in the distance I could see a lone paddleboarder taking advantage of the perfect conditions.
After breakfast I set off alone to Mach. I was heading to the library but not to met up with our friends. Instead I wanted to use a library computer to check out the Which reviews of freezers before buying one. But can you believe it? Powys libraries do not have a subscription to Which. The Devon libraries did and very useful it was too. Although the website says you can have a month's free trial I avoid those kind of offers like the plague. I've read that even Which makes it incredibly difficult to cancel and you suddenly end up paying for a year's subscription. That was my second whammy of the morning. I had been working on my Welsh and 'may I use' came up in Duo for the first time this morning which was handy. Except that 'to use' is a four syllable tongue twister. May I use the computer? is Ga i ddefnyddio'r cyfrifiadur? or phonetically - guy ee thev-nuth-thee-thor /cuv-riv-ee-a-deer? We learnt the word for computer a while back and it doesn't feel so hard to say but all those soft sounds  in use are confusing. I practised all the way in the car but when I got to the library the Welsh speaking librarian wasn't there.
With my mission to the library a failure I still had the market to wander round, charity shops to visit and of course that lovely bakery in The Royal House.
It's still not the main tourist season but the town was busy with people and so many dogs. I browsed the plant stalls but nothing caught my eye. But I did buy lots of goodies in The Royal House all made with lots of herbs and interesting vegetables (not the cakes of course). To satisfy Peter's meat tastes I bought him a pasty with pork and for me a beetroot pasty. I also got portions of a ratatouille lasagne and a cheese and asparagus lasagne for us to share. And of course there were some sweet treats too. A custard slice, a lemon curd brioche and some chocolate cake. That sounds terribly indulgent but cut into smaller portions they will last quite a few days. I had half of the beetroot pasty for my meal earlier (choir tonight so I eat early) and it was delicious. 
I bought these pretty earrings in a charity shop for £1.50. They are clip-ons but it won't take long to put them onto a pair of ordinary hooks.
The weather was so lovely when I got home that I spent the rest of the afternoon gardening. Just weeding, pruning and moving a few things around. My neighbour gave me some allium bulbs which I put in the back garden. The knautia macedonia is flowering everywhere which I love but one plant needed pulling up. I had to save the flowers to enjoy for a few more days.


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