Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 29 June 2024


A grey day today. It was a little brighter in the morning with light drizzle that became steady rain arriving later in the afternoon. 
Not knowing which way the weather would go I began my day by watering and tying in the tomato plants. The ones I grew from seed are a bush variety and don't need the side shoots taking out but Big Daddy which came from a village plant sale does and the two my friend gave me also will once they have grown on a bit. (You can see I'm taking the tomato growing seriously this year.)
I generally need to take things easy by Saturday and this week was no exception so I allocated myself the job of putting up a few more pictures. That meant going up in the loft and as I didn't find my notebook with all the picture details on until just now, making a guess at the pictures under all the bubble wrap. They are numbered and marked with the artist's initials or 'H' for the assortment of pictures ranging from posters and photos to original art works that hung on Dingle's walls. Bringing some of them out of storage is like welcoming old friends back into the house. There's a spot facing the front door that is crying out for a big picture but although I unwrapped two pictures they weren't quite right and have gone back up in the loft. The loft which for the moment is nice and dry.
My favourite of the day is this oriental painting on silk of a rooster and hen which is now on our bedroom wall. I'm not so sure about the landscape above the bookshelves, I'll probably get used to it. I also found out that photographing pictures behind glass is extremely difficult which is the reason I'm only showing these two.


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