Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 3 June 2024


Not much in the way of sun on this grey day. For most of the day it has been warm with the temperature dropping sharply later in the afternoon.
We went up to Mach this morning to meet out friends in the library. Neither of them had been able to join the class for the last lesson so we did our best to go over it. It was about 'before' and 'after' and got complicated because for once the associated verb doesn't conjugate and you can only know the tense by the rest of the sentence. For example ar ol i mi fwyta can mean after I ate/was eating or after I am eating/eat or after I will be eating though I don't see much use for 'after' in the future tense. We finished the session by translating the end of the book we have been reading. Although simple the book turned out to be darkly comic with several people thinking they had been responsible for the death of a bad guy. Much laughter ensued and the librarian who was shelving books commented that she hoped we were reading a story and not one of our diaries.
While in Mach I donated a bag of good quality furnishing fabric to a charity shop that usually has fabric and wool. We shan't be moving again so I won't need to be making new curtains or cushion covers and they were too good to be used for things like carnival costumes. In return I bought this china Oriental dragon (from a different charity shop) to go in the garden. 
The second pond iris has flowered. When I first saw it I wondered why I had chosen a plain white variety. It was only later that I saw the central markings which look rather like when a biro has been left in a white school shirt pocket.
After baking a Bara Brith for Peter I felt too tired to do much else today. I had a try at tightening up the screws on the cupboard door hinges as the hinges are ever so slightly loose. But either I should have used fatter screws or I'm burring the screw heads as I didn't seem to make much progress.


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