Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 13 June 2024


We had dramatic skies last night but today it has been grey and cold with the wind blowing directly down from the arctic again. Lots of heavy rain as well.
Almost no change between first thing this morning and late in the afternoon though maybe it did get a touch bluer with a bit more colour in the sea.
It stayed dry long enough in the morning for me to have my time outside and I even got to plant a couple of courgette plants I was given at choir last night. Once the rain arrived I had another go at sewing the cover for the V pillow so that it fits better. I did manage to break the sewing machine needle when it hit the zip. Luckily I had one last spare needle. I'll try to remember to buy more needles when I go into town tomorrow. I might not break the last needle for years but it would be silly to not have a replacement to hand.
Then it was time for our Zoom class, the last one of the term and indeed of the academic year. Wow, we've been attempting to learn Welsh for three years now. A few more years and we might be able to follow native speakers speaking at normal speed with all the contractions of the spoken language compared to the 'correct' form we are being taught. All six of us who were in the class today have already signed up for next year.

The wind is whistling around the corners of the house and although it isn't raining at the moment I think I'll probably drive down to the Hall for disco aerobics.

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