Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Rug Washing.

The day began grey and muggy and then later in the morning the hazy clouds cleared and it's been hot sun all the way.
I had intended to cycle down to the zoo but something I did yesterday set my knee off and I was in no state to cycle let alone spend several hours (or more) kneeling and weeding. Instead I washed the two rugs that had been covering bare floorboards in our bedroom. I hoovered them thoroughly first then a quick change of the Vax's basic parts and I was ready to wash the rugs. I briefly contemplated using the washing machine but decided against as the weight of the sodden wool rugs would probably have destroyed the washing machine, that was if I could even fit the larger rug in. Instead I laid the rugs on the swept drive and used the Vax to take out as much dirt as possible. I love the simple design of the Vax which is ideal for both dry and wet suction. Very handy too for tackling minor household floods.
Once washed the rugs were hung out and I think are already dry. I'm not sure yet what I will do with the rugs, Peter might have the bigger one in his study.
I did a few other things including sorting the sagging washing line and baking a Bara Brith before getting out the sun lounger and spending the rest of the afternoon reading in the sun. Might as well enjoy it while it's here.
The buddleia that I moved to the bottom of the garden is doing well and the bright purple flowers should soon be attracting butterflies. Growing up between the buddleia and the hedge is a verbena bonariensis which is at least 7ft tall. It came as an tiny accidental seedling in a pot containing a rockery hardy geranium given to me by my neighbour. I thought it might be a verbena bonariensis, planted it in one flower bed and then moved it when I put the buddleia in. I wasn't expecting it to be so spectacular.
Off soon to Pilates.


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