Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 18 June 2024


The first view of the day looked very much like yesterday but then instead of rain followed by sun it simply stayed grey with plenty of wind.
I was late starting the day, my own fault entirely for staying up late reading so had to miss my morning cuppa out on the terrace. But once I got going I decided I might as well go down to the zoo. I was almost tempted to cycle but then the thought that it might rain had me reaching for the car keys. It was a good thing I drove because it was very windy and also I spent nearly four hours weeding. I try not to overdo things but I just hate leaving a job unfinished. This morning after some tidying up around a planted area right by the reception/café I turned to the space by the entrance where there are tables for people to eat outside. The main part under a canopy is in my mind a lost cause with not a lot of stones and an awful lot of weeds. However there is a smaller bit that has some bistro tables on that I thought was doable and it was though by the time I finished pulling up all the weeds my back had had enough. But it does look a lot better. 
Haven't done much since I got home. Just general tidying up and a rest. Soon I'll be heading off to Pilates.


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