Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 8 June 2024


It's been windy all day which was great for drying the washing on the line. In the morning it looked as if it might rain at any time, but didn't, and by the afternoon it was most definitely sunny. Who knows, we might have another pretty sunset to end the day.
I was down to go rowing at 3.00 this afternoon but when Peter saw the whitecaps and irregular waves he was dubious. After consulting with Dave who not only runs the club but manages the RNLI they decided to cancel the row. The waves calmed a little by the afternoon but it was definitely not suitable for newbie rowers of which there would have been three.
As it turned out I'm glad that I didn't go out because I didn't finish tidying up the bedroom until after four and then there was still the ironing to do. It took a lot of trial and error, cutting slivers off the skirting board and insulation board but now the wood edging is in place. I filled the gaps with filler and painted knotting solution over the knots. While I was mixing up filler I used a bit of insulation to plug a hole in the ceiling where the shower switch had been and also tidied up the horrible mess around an electric socket. I don't know how an electrician could walk away with great gaps around the socket. Although I've found a few problems left by the builder and electrician who worked on the house when we were still in Devon at least nothing was so bad that it had to be redone (as in one of the renovation programmes I like to watch).
After all that hard work I felt that I deserved an ice-cream, which I just happened to have in the freezer, only to discover that the fridge freezer has finally given up the ghost. We call that one my fridge as it lives in the utility room and was one we bought to fit in a narrow space in the last house. Apart from the ice-creams there was only fruit and vegetables in that freezer. (Hah, now it's come on again but I can't rely on it and the seal on the freezer door isn't much good.) They were still mostly frozen so I've moved everything to the freezer in the kitchen. That is an old fridge freezer that was here from the last owners and I expect it will continue to work for many years. Time to get a new fridge freezer for the utility room. I might just get a freezer as there isn't usually much in the fridge section and they don't seem to make fridge freezers with more freezer than fridge. I better do some research on that.


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