Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 2 June 2024


I woke to find an almost flat sea reflecting the bright blue of the sky above. For me the day stayed fine and sunny but while I was out walking inland Peter went out as cox for the rowing boat. They were subjected to a sudden squall which brought two ft waves and lasted for the whole hour they were out. They had one new rower with them and apparently she found it exhilarating and has already signed up. I'm not sure if I would have enjoyed it so much. (I woke this morning with some lower back ache but not my usual 'bad back' so there is hope for me yet.)
As we ate our breakfast the RNLI were out training as usual but for a change they had a small yacht to play practice with as well.
Our group walk today was along the northern flanks of the Cwm Rheidol (Vale of Rheidol) following ancient routes (Green Lanes) past undulating fields and through native woodland.
We stopped to eat our lunch on a rocky outcrop overlooking the River Rheidol far below us in the broad valley. Close by but fenced off from the public is another overgrown outcrop where once there was the iron age hill fort of Tan-Y- Ffordd (By The Road) . 
The historic lanes are usually marked by trees whose twisted roots tell of their great age.

Once at the top of the valley side we turned back on ourselves which gave us great views of the valley spread out below us. The riding school is down by the River Rheidol somewhere on the upper right of the photo below. When I went out on the long ride we made our way up the southern slope of the valley and through some forestry land before swinging round and returning along the floor of the valley.
I didn't even have to drive myself to the walk today. Instead I went with a chap who lives nearby and had offered a lift on the lift share group. Saves driving two cars and makes parking in small laybys easier.

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