Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 5 June 2024


It was a much brighter view that greeted me this morning. It was good to see the sun again though there has been quite a cold wind for most of the day.
Being Wednesday it was recycling collection day and our three weekly rubbish and glass collection too. This morning was one of those days when instead of my usual 6.00 rising I didn't get up until 8.00 and consequently things were all a bit late. I had put out the recycling and was just emptying the waste bins when I heard the clatter of glass which meant that the lorry that picks up the glass and the black bags was on its way (it sometimes doesn't arrive until mid-day). I rushed to get the black bag and ended up running up the street after the bin lorry so that I could hand over my black bag.  
With the weather so good of course I had to go to the zoo but in the car as it was getting very windy. Also I had an extra bucket with me as I was taking more plants along as well. I must say that I am getting a bit disheartened by the way I keep finding (or not finding) plants I put in (and keep replacing) have either completely disappeared or been cut right back, maybe by a strimmer or a passing pony being led to the small paddock. I have been trying to grow mint and lemon balm in the narrow spaces by some of the paths but although the lemon balm did well last year finding only a few small remnants today has made me decide not to plant any more. There are only a few staff but a varying number of volunteers/ work experience people so it is impossible to know what is going on. I did take an ornamental grass for an empty planter and some ground cover sedum for one of the flowerbeds. My main job was weeding the gravel patch by the guinea fowl. It was a big task but I think I got all the weeds out before they had a chance to produce seeds.
When I eventually got back home I found the mini socket wrench had been delivered. Sadly, although it is a good piece of kit it still didn't fit mainly because of the way the hinges are bent around the doors. But I changed the screws for a larger size and was able to use a larger right angled screwdriver which is easier on my fingers. 5 out of the 6 screws are in so that should be done by tomorrow.

I finished off my evening by going to choir and came home to find a different sunset as the sun slipped down between two sets of clouds.


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