Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Summer Solstice.

After the sun went down last night the sky was streaked orange and pink for several hours. I had another very late night due to a combination of a sore back and Peter snoring. Even though I was tired watching tv was a better option. Before finally turning in just before 2.00 I stood out on the terrace watching a couple of small bats flitting around hunting in the light of the cliff top lamp post and was amazed that I could still see some light sky away to the north. Well it's the Summer Solstice  today so I guess from now on the days will be getting shorter and the sun will set a little more to the west each night.
I still woke early this morning and found blue skies and a flat sea. Proper summer weather. It's been very hot and by the time I sat outside in the late afternoon the digital thermometer on the table beside me read 36C/96.8F. It would be really nice to have more days like this.
As the library is shut on Thursdays we met up at our friend's house in Pennal, a pretty village tucked under the foothills of Snowdonia. It's only on the other side of the Dyfi River but there are some small hills between here and there so we can't quite see across to each other. Getting there involves driving up to Mach, over the new bridge on the smart new road and then doubling down the other side of the river. We had a good session going through the work that we were set for the summer holiday. There might also have been cake, biscuits and a walk around the garden too. 
On the way back we stopped in Mach and I showed Peter the culinary delights in the Royal House Café. We weren't the only ones having a hard time trying to pick which of the delicious looking options to buy. In the end we choses two minced lamb pasties which we ate tonight and a portion of beef lasagne and a slice of vegetarian potato and onion pie. (Can't remember what the other ingredients are but I know it will taste nice.)
At home I filled another bag with honeysuckle prunings and weeds from the back garden before spending some time relaxing in the sun with Speedy with of course sunscreen on both of us to prevent getting burnt. I finished my day with disco aerobics. Even in shorts it was a hot session so the gentle breeze blowing from the sea was very welcome as I left the hall to walk home with a couple of friends. 

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