Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 15 September 2020


While the rest of the country, or at least part of it, was said to be hotter than Hawaii here it's been raining lightly on and off and now a cold sea mist has blown in. Not a day for hanging out washing but at least the plants are getting watered.
Most of the small pots waiting to be put in boxes.  

Today I've been trying to work my way through the kitchen. Not that easy when Peter's busy cooking up the last of the stuff in the freezer and plans more cooking tomorrow. However at least half of the cupboards have been completely emptied and washed out and the rest are nearly empty. 
I've also been up in the loft again. I brought down the boxed up wall lights, my beloved torchieres which I'm hoping will work in the sitting room.
The latest progress photos from Borth. Above is the Google Earth photo from years ago showing the flat roof at the back of the house. It carried on over the passageway between the garage and the house which we decided wasn't a good idea. Yes it kept out the rain but it reduced air flow and light at the back of the house.
With the flat roof beyond repair it all had to come off and be replaced with a fibreglass roof. The corner room will be my study/ guest room and as well as the new roof it's now got a decent sized window looking over the neighbours' front garden. 
Hopefully the plasterer will be in to skim the walls but at least I can be assured that stuff can be put in the room and the utility room even if the new floor hasn't been done.
All I can see out of the window is white but last night the sunset  blazed across the sky.

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