Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 11 July 2024

A Walk along the Leri.

The day has been very warm and humid with some heavy showers. I didn't fancy getting caught in the rain so drove down to the community gardens for Cake & Cultivate. On the way I stopped at the pharmacy to get some antihistamine tablets as something, probably a flea (thanks Speedy) has bitten me several times on my leg. Being hyper reactive I needed something to take away the constant burning and I'm pleased to say that the tablet has done its job.
Our gardening task was to cut back the tall nettles, brambles, comfrey and other stuff growing under the fruit trees to make it easier when it comes to picking the fruit. Everything in the garden is done organically in the most eco-friendly way possible so we just left all the cut weeds in situ to rot back down into the soil. Cat made the cake using the chuckleberries we were given last week. I couldn't quite taste the gooseberry flavour that was so prominent in the fresh fruit but it was still a very nice cake.
Before returning home I was tempted out for a walk over the fields and along the River Leri.
Once you reach the river the path runs straight as an arrow along the top of the bank beside the river. The river itself lies out of sight hidden by the tall reeds growing on either side. (The two trees on the right of the photo above are on the far side of the river.)
Beyond the river lies the northern end of the Cambrian mountain range. When I was taking the photo I hadn't noticed the sparrow hawk hunting over the reeds. 
Where Snowdonia meets the Cambrian mountains. (Below)
Eventually I forced myself to turn around and head back to the car parked by the church.
Something I hadn't noticed before was this line of pet headstones on the outside of the cemetery fence. I assume it's only the ashes as I don't think you would be allowed to dig a dog-sized hole there.
There was a smattering of rain just as I got to the car but it had eased off by the time I got home giving me the chance to go out and fill another bag with garden waste for the dump tomorrow. All that's left to do today is some piano practice before heading down to the Hall for aerobics.


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