Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 10 July 2024


Wet and cool today with little change from the first photo, taken at 7am, to the last photo taken at 4pm. And the forecast for the next seven days isn't looking much better.
Again it wasn't the weather for going to the zoo so I was forced back to tidying the utility room. This time I pulled out the two basket/trolley units on wheels that fit in nicely beside the washing machine. Back in the days before fancy storage tubs were standard and nobody imagined we would be looking at videos of people tidying up, I had bought a number of square lidded plastic tubs from a seaside shop that sold ice-cream and used them for storing household cleaning items. They've done their job well but the the outsides and the trolleys were pretty grubby as the utility room has often been the builders' work room. Everything got a thorough wipe down and I had a sort through as well. The next stage will be to work out how to fit some shelves in the cupboard. That is after I've  dealt with the damp that I can see creeping up the plasterboard the builder put in to cover the old wall. 
I managed to get out for a short beach walk on my way to the pharmacy and the shop and only got rained on on my way home.
I find being stuck indoors fairly depressing especially when I don't seem to be making much progress with things. Or maybe it's the weather making me feel tired.
This poppy did cheer me up. Its parent arrived as a self sown seedling last year and I can see a few more of them scattered around.
There's always something new to look at in the garden.


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