Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 16 July 2024


A mostly sunny day with a strong but warm wind blowing from the west.
It would have been a good day to hang out the washing but we were expecting the plumber to come and service the boiler. That is until Peter spoke to him on the phone and found out that he had been called out to an emergency and wouldn't be coming until tomorrow. 
A flock of at least 50 Manx shearwaters were in the bay. A sign that fish are around but we didn't see any dolphins.

While Peter was out doing his stint at the RNLI shop I cut back the corner of the escallonia hedge to give some light to the pink hydrangea that was growing underneath it. I left some of the hedge by the wall to give protection from the wind and more importantly to maintain our privacy. The sheer amount of colour and the long flowering time of hydrangeas is making me appreciate them more. A good thing as there are 15 hydrangeas in the front garden. 
In the afternoon I drove to town for a physiotherapy appointment. These are now held in the half empty County Council offices. Half empty because after lockdown a lot of people continued to work from home for at least part of the week. I had asked my GP to refer me for physio and was told that it would be quicker if I self-referred. (The physio today said it was because it's easier for the doctor.) I had been getting pins and needles in the fingers of my right hand when I sat at the pc and wanted some exercises to do to avoid this. Of course by the time the appointment came through the pins and needles were hardly ever happening, maybe because we have been doing a lot of work on our shoulders in Pilates. Still I thought it would be good to know what to do to stop it from happening again. I came away with some nerve sliding/loosening exercises and she also suggested I go back to using my weights now that the I'm not lifting things in the garden. 
I made a flying visit to Lidl on the way home for a couple of items and soon it will be time for Pilates.

A few more photos from Sing For Water. Above - all 150 of us and below - Our choir, Leri Voices with Heartsong. (Some people sing in both choirs.) The total raised was £5,064. Well done to Susie our choir leader.

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