Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 4 July 2024

Election day.

From the photo below it might look as if we've had the most glorious weather but I'm afraid not. I took the photo during the only sunny spell of the day and for the rest of the time it has been grey and extremely windy.
I woke well before five, fed Speedy and decided to go back to sleep. Much later Peter brought me some tea saying it was lovely and sunny outside but by the time he went back to collect his tea the clouds had covered the sky. Speedy meanwhile was very happy having conned a second breakfast from Peter as I hadn't thought to put out the card that says 'The cat has been fed.'
Although there was no rain in sight it was so windy that I abandoned any plans of cycling and instead drove to the community gardens. There I worked with five others weeding the communal veg plots before enjoying a Portuguese custard tart baked by Cat. Although Peter isn't a great fan of cakes, apart from Bara Brith, he does like a custard tart so I brought one home for him.
One my way home from the community gardens I called in at the community hall to cast my vote in the General Election. Hopefully the public will have finally realised that the Conservatives are only interested in getting the workers to make as much money as possible for big business and that those who cannot work (the old, the young, the disabled, the sick and the disadvantaged) are simply a burden to whom as little support as possible should be given. However it is going to take a long time to put right the bleeding dry of national resources and the chaos of the last 14 years. (Sorry, rant over.)
On a more mundane note, I walked into the hall with my next door neighbour who had also been at the community gardens and one of the three polling officials lives across the road from both of us. Of course we still had to show our photo ID. I used my bus pass simply because I find it really funny that a bus pass is on a par with a passport or a driving licence. Photo ID has been introduced this time to avoid 'voter fraud' though there was only one case brought after the last election and something like 5 million people (according to the government figures) will not have access to a photo ID unless they make a separate application for an ID card. That's a good way to discourage people from voting.
When I got home my task for the day was to set up the guest bed in my study as Vytas and Sally will be coming to stay for the weekend. That was a lot easier now that I don't have a load of storage boxes to shuffle round. Just the digital piano and guitar to put in our bedroom. After of course a quick piano practice. A few more pictures hung and the general cleaning done so there won't be much to do tomorrow. I would love to sit up all night listening to the election results coming in but that wouldn't be very sensible. I'll have to be patient and wait until tomorrow morning.


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