Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 23 July 2024


A lovely summer's day today.
I had a bad night (my ribs again) so I didn't make my usual early start. Once I had surfaced I planned a quiet day of working on my carnival costume. It took all afternoon to make the over skirt from the purple voile with extra pieces of lighter purple dust sheet. But now it is done I don't like really like it. It is too much like a child's Disney princess skirt. I've put it to one side and have been working on some of the props for the 'gondola' instead.
The Gull Story contd.
Yesterday morning I saw the parent bird feeding the two fledglings but by the time I came home only one of the fledglings was still on the roof. Still only one this morning and then I looked up to see it on my next door neighbours' roof with the parent bird keeping an eye on it from above. 
The fledgling hopped about on the flat roof, bounced its way up the sloping roof to the ridge and then back down to the flat roof over their porch.
There it discovered a puddle (we had a lot of rain in the night), had a bath and a flap around. No doubt it will be making its way to the sea very soon.

I've been to Pilates in the Hall and now I'm hoping for a better night's sleep.

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