Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 22 July 2024

An Evening Out.

It rained in the night, was grey and humid for most of the day with occasional light drizzle and some sun in the afternoon.
I went to town in the morning hunting for carnival costume stuff. My wish list comprised - gloves, fan, cravat and purple fabric or dye. I managed to find some navy blue satiny gloves and a large piece of purple voile with a gold trim sewn on but not the other items. What I did come across was a pair of curtains in a dark wine-red brocade type fabric which would have been perfect if I hadn't already got the other fabric and at £5 I decided to leave them. I spent the rest of the day unpicking the gold trim which I will reuse and making the over skirt with the purple fabric. It could do with being 6" longer so I'll have to add a border using a light purple dust sheet from my stash.
This is only a quick post as this evening we went to a free gig at The Star of the Sea. The band playing was Truckstop Honeymoon, a lively bluegrass group. So lively that even I got up and danced though not in quite as exuberant a fashion as the group of people who obviously go to the local swing dance club/class. Being free it was well attended and there were quite a few people there that we knew as well as the couple from the rowing club that we sat with. We didn't get home until nearly 11.00 which is late for us hence the rushed post.

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