Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 8 July 2024

Photos from Saturday.

We  had a lovely sunny start to the day. It gradually got cloudier over the day and it looks as if it may rain at any moment now. The warm wind has been good for drying and I've been able to get the rest of the washing and ironing done with only the last load of towels failing to dry out on the line.
It's Peter's birthday today. He's not one for celebrating and at our age we keep birthdays quite low key. Just cards and a few small presents. I did buy him these metal whales from that nice shop in the village and they are already up on the wall by the 'wizard's staff'. He seemed pleased with it and the beers from the craft beer place in town. I'm also cooking supper tonight, a stir fry with whatever is in the fridge.
Here are the rest of the photos from Saturday.
The furnace.
Water flowing over the dam that once fed the waterwheel.
Once we climbed nearly to the top the hill we had far reaching views across the bog to the River Dyfi and Aberdyfi.
While in the other direction we could see right over to Borth. Zooming in I could see our neighbours' houses but ours was tucked back a little and only the garden was visible.
The Osprey Centre -
At the main hide, an imposing three storey structure, as well as live tv screens they have telescopes set up trained on the ospreys' nest. There are also staff there who are very informative.
Here the chicks are eating a fish that had been brought back by the male bird.
To get out to the hide there are wooden walkways over the wet bog land and all along the edges were lizards sunning themselves.. 
They were fairly tame and only ran away if you moved too quickly which made them good photography subjects.
Despite the information boards asking people not to touch the lizards as their tails would fall off we saw a number who were in the process of regrowing their tails.
This was the pool where we saw the swimming snake.
While we were in the main hide I noticed this castle for the first time. I've looked it up and it's not an old castle but was built in 1819 by a wealthy businessman. If you fancy living in a castle it's currently up for sale at £2,750,000. Here are the details. Apart from being way too big with ten bedrooms the 'modern' décor looks quite dated to me and I really don't like the kitchen so I'm quite happy here.


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