Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 3 September 2024


I don't know what is going on with our internet connection. I woke early this morning fully intending to go back to sleep for a few more hours ....... after I let Speedy in and fed him. But then I noticed the lights were all green on the router so of course I did my Duo Lingo and put up yesterday's post. By which time I had no inclination to go back to bed and so the day began. I've been using the internet all day but then suddenly in the afternoon I noticed the dreaded red lights again. Waited a while and as soon as the lights turned green got today's post on the go.
I spent most of yesterday sorting out my daily notes so that I could update my Journal. That involves using highlighters to sort the notes into categories; health, building works, projects etc so that I can write about them for each season of the year. As the years blur into each other I find it helpful to read about the events of each year. It certainly brings back the memories and makes me realise just how much we have done. That said I had got very behind with this project. So what better to do on wet or enforced rest days? This morning I sorted out all the months' pages ready to write in the journal only to find that the next three needed were missing. There aren't that many places in this house where A4 pages could be lurking but find them I could not. My best guess is that I got them out to write them up and then put them away somewhere safe. So safe that I can't find them. Rather than turn the house upside down again I went back to my on-line posts and rewrote the precis for each day. That took several hours, I had a break and then discovered the connection had gone again.

Part of my break was some very gentle gardening outside, only cutting back some long dried up flowering shoots. The garden is full of insects visiting the last flowers; honey bees, hover flies, bumble bees and little wasps, so I leave anything that still has flowers on. The knautia and the mints are very popular. This orange mint in the tub below is funny to watch. While the more flexible grasses sway elegantly in the near constant winds the stiff stems of this mint wobble like some strange art installation. You really don't get a sense of the wind blowing through them, it's more like each stem has a little motor underneath it.
I will be off later to the first Pilates class after the August break. I shall try and take things easy as I don't want to my muscles to stiffen up before tomorrow's ride. The forecast is for light showers which doesn't sound too bad.

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