Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 8 September 2024


Today has been wet, mostly very wet with the wind picking up later in the day turning what were just ripples across the sea into wild waves.
While the rain was still only a light drizzle I went out and fitted the new door handles to the back gate. As soon as we have some dry days I'll be able to paint the street side of the gate/door a bright royal blue.
After breakfast I began by sticking yet more shiny bits onto the trainers I wear for aerobics. Just a bit of fun to catch the coloured disco lights that shine on the hall floor.
But for most of the day I've been sat at the kitchen table writing up notes for my journal. All that's left to do is to practise the font and actually start writing in the journal. Just one quick trip outside to dispose of a dead rat that Speedy had left on the terrace.

And here are a few photos of last night's pretty sunset.

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