Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 28 September 2024

Mostly Sunny.

It was a lovely start to the day but then the sky darkened, rain fell and it looked like we were in for a gloomy day. 
Peter was due to go rowing, or at least be the cox for a row though before anyone could call it off due to the weather conditions the rain stopped. Off he went warmly clad in his yellow coat and then out came the sun. He's not home yet but I'm guessing they had a very nice row.
While he was out I got on with a secret mission. It's our wedding anniversary next week and besides the usual bottles of beer I thought I'd make him something to hang his caps on as he seems to have a few; one for this rowing club, one for the old club, one for the RNLI and a scruffy one for working in. It's just a bar of wood painted white with coat hooks on but even that takes a little organising. It's all made and painted and I've even discretely marked where I need to drill the holes in the wall of his study. After that I gave the shelves he's been making for the sitting room from an old scaffolding plank, a light coat of watered down white paint. The wood isn't in good enough condition to leave it unpainted but my ideas is to paint it lightly so that the grain of the wood still shows through. It may or may not work and if it doesn't then I'll just paint them white.

Having looked up the new plants I found that the Calocephalus is only half-hardy so will need to be in the cold frame (once I make it) over the cold months. That put paid to my plan of putting it next to the stone blocks on the shingle and instead it will go in a pot. The artemisia which is a low one went by the stone instead. Then as the weather was so good I got out the hedge trimmer and tidied up the long hedge. There had been a few shoots poking out of the top that were annoying me every time I looked at the view. As I was working the neighbour from across the road came out and offered to take the bag of trimmings up to his farm to burn. That was handy as Peter had already taken a very full load down to the dump in the morning.
Update - It was Simon, the guy who hires out paddleboards and gives lessons who did the rescue yesterday.
Then the sunset got even prettier.

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