Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 9 September 2024


Conditions were pretty wild and windy this morning. The dark grey skies made me wonder if we were due for a day of rain but by the afternoon we had some blue sky and welcome warmth.
This morning we were back at the library in Mach to work on our Welsh language skills. They keep rearranging the furniture in the library and for now both the 4-person round tables are near the children's corner. One was reserved for us and the poor lady at the other had to put up with our chatter in both Welsh and English. I thought we might be disturbing her as she worked on her paperwork but she actually spoke to us in Welsh complimenting us on our skill and dedication. A bit later on a chap came over to talk to us. He is on the first year of the same course that we are doing but face to face rather than on-line and has set up  a small group of his classmates to read the books written for beginners. It was nice to be able to exchange notes with a fellow learner. 
In order to prepare for the start of our zoom classes next week we went over a selection of questions the answers of which involve past, present and future tenses as that is what we guess we will do in the first class. Then we returned to a beginner's book of stories which we had attempted last year. In fact I think we had abandoned the first story as simply being too hard as I didn't recognise any of it. It was quite satisfying that this time round we sailed through and between us managed to get most of the vocabulary with only the occasional resort to our dictionaries.
Afterwards I had my usual skip around the charity shops but bought nothing.
It had been lovely and sunny in Mach and although when we got home the clouds were beginning to gather it was nice and windy. I took a chance and gave the back gate its first coat of blue paint. It looks a bit patchy over the white but I'm hoping that it will only need one more coat of blue.


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