Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 25 September 2024


It's been a day of heavy showers interspersed with moments of bright sun. The kind of weather that brought a view of intense colours that changed each time I looked out of the windows.
I may have been a bit too enthusiastic last night in Pilates as my back is twinging again today. Or it may have been the weeding, or even the long walk after. But here is a link to a post written by my Pilates teacher on the health benefits of exercise as you get older. So I shall keep on with the exercise and anything else that helps keep my mind and body in the best condition. 
As I stood out on the terrace with my coffee (the chairs were too wet to sit on and I couldn't be bothered to fetch out a chair.) there was a commotion on the water. A cormorant had surfaced directly underneath a gull that had been resting on the surface of the water. The gull went off in a flurry and so too did the cormorant.

It has been too wet for any outside work but I did take some cuttings from a pretty red rockery dianthus that is doing well. It's probably not the right time but I had a bit of space for cuttings so why not?
Some of my day has been spent messing about making a felted bauble. The design of two seagulls was inspired by the colours of the materials I already have but overall I'm not that impressed. It was more of an experiment to try felting a polystyrene ball in the washing machine and then adding a design.
Off later on to choir.

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