Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 2 September 2024

Too Wet.

(I started this on Monday morning only to have the internet connection drop out in the afternoon.)

Last night the forecast was already looking dire for today, rainy cloud symbols all through the day with high probability of rain and sure enough that was what we have had. I woke this morning to heavy rain and although it eased off later on it  stayed heavily misty all day with intermittent showers. Still I got myself ready but at 8.30 I had a phone call saying it was too wet to have a good day out. Instead we are hoping for Wednesday and actually I'm quite glad as this will give my back a chance to recover from whatever has been making it twinge this weekend. (Surely not my riding lesson, more likely stretching up to work on the door frame.)
Instead here are some photos from the two and half hour ride we did a couple of weeks ago.
That's me in the middle (purple top) on Margaret with Tanya on the left and Cadno is on the far right. Tanya is grinning wildly while I am looking rather puffed out from dodging low hanging branches on our wild canter through the forest behind. And here is a FB video of us riding through the field which shows the wonderful scenery of the Rheidol valley.

And now for the two ruined farms we passed yesterday. Despite searching both Google maps and my OS maps I have been unable to find the names of the farms which have been amalgamated with the bigger farms down by the road.
The first farm on the crest of the hill was almost hidden by the trees which would have given some shelter from strong winds. It was such a shame to see these lovely buildings slowly falling to pieces.
The outbuildings were in a much better state as they are still being used when the sheep need to be kept in.

Another sad farm with the roof giving way and only the outbuildings in good repair.

The doorways to the farm house were blocked off to keep the sheep and cattle from getting in and harming themselves on the debris scattered around. That also stopped the more adventurous members of our group climbing in for a look around.

1 comment:

Bovey Belle said...

It's always sad when farmhouses like this are abandoned, but to the farmers that buy the place, it's the outbuildings and the grazing that's important. No one wants to live there any more - and of course it's a waste of money to renovate them.

Sorry your day ride has been put back but not much fun being out all day in pouring rain. Fabulous scenery to ride in.