Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 10 September 2024


A very windy and grey morning made me put off painting another coat on the door. I had hoped to paint that last coat before breakfast but you have to be mindful of the weather. A good thing too as by the time I drove back from town later in the day the rain began and soon became a torrential downpour. Much later in the afternoon the rain stopped though the wind has continued to blow.
My trip to town in the morning was for a visit to the hygienist at the dental practice. Usually I get some moments of sharp pain as she she reaches the exposed parts of the teeth where the gum has receded due to aging. This time however she rubbed a numbing gel all around my mouth and it was so much better. When she had finished I let her know how much better it was with the gel and I shall make sure that the gel gets used in future appointments. 
Afterwards I had a quick look in the charity shops and at last found a GCE revision guide for Welsh. I've been looking for revision guides for all the languages Peter is currently studying ever since the exams results came out as I guessed that's when the unwanted books would make there way into the charity shops. I shall continue to look for German, Spanish and French course books too. I also found a couple of the Welsh story books written for learners, one at the level we will be at soon and one harder one. Not bad at 50p each. 
Since the rain stopped all other work I spent the afternoon writing in my journal. I've still a few more sections to write but at least the end is in sight.

Luckily the rain had stopped when it was time to walk down to the hall for Pilates and it was still dry for the return walk.

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