Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 5 September 2024


Cloudy and mild today with the occasional light shower.
I was very tired after yesterday and slept like a log. This morning the alarm went off in good time but I went back to sleep until Peter woke me after 8.00 as I had a doctor's appointment at 9.00. I made it in time by driving rather than walking down to the surgery. When I complained about my increased tiredness he basically said that it was a side effect of the beta blocker and .... tough. Well not in those words but that meaning. However when I waved my graph of my heart rate readings (I've been taking them a couple of times a day) he conceded that often being in the low 50s and below was maybe a bit low. The upshot was that he will consult with the cardio people at the hospital and we'll go from there. I also had a 12 lead ECG at the surgery. Things have moved on a bit and it seemed like no sooner had the contacts been stuck on than they came off again. Nothing obvious showed up in the readings but they will also be sent to the cardiology dept.
Later in the morning I drove to the community gardens, did an hour of weeding and picking up windfalls before enjoying an even nicer cake baked by Cat. It was a moist courgette and poppy seed cake with a lime cream cheese frosting that Cat had oomphed up with cardamom seeds. I came home with a bag of windfall apples which I have already turned into stewed apple. Lovely with some plain yoghurt or added to our breakfast porridge. I just have to wait for it to cool down a bit to see if I put enough sugar in it since it is another of my no-recipe dishes. Just apples, lemon juice, sultanas, cinnamon and sugar in random amounts. That's been about all for today. Hopefully I will have enough energy for disco aerobics which starts up again tonight.



WendyAnn said...

Good job you had your graph to show him! Wonder if that is Bardsey on the right of your horizon pic (I love checking).
Wendy (Wales)

Bovey Belle said...

I have a very low pulse too. The Cardio dept did tests and said it was "just me".

Ruta M. said...

It could be. The visibility isn't very good at the moment.

Ruta M. said...

Before I started the beta blockers it was running in the mid 60s rather than the mid 50s which makes me wonder. At least now I've been passed on to the cardio people.