Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 19 September 2024


Well, we've been blessed with yet another warm and sunny day with the perfect breeze for drying washing, paint and floors.
I've had a busy day but the lovely weather boosts my energy and it's been great to get so much done.
First stop was an appointment at the surgery. No need to drive today though I have to factor in extra time to stop and talk to people on the way. (Three conversations this morning.) The cardiologist had looked at my results and notes including some from Devon and decided that I don't have atrial fibrillation after all. That's a relief. Just a mildly irregular heartbeat. I'll stay on the beta blockers but split the dose between morning and afternoon to try and stop my heart rate from going down so much. Best news was that I don't need to take the blood thinners so no more dramatic bruises or bleeding from the smallest cut. Yay!
Once I came back I painted a second coat of blue on the garage doors plus a first coat on the inside of the one we use now that I know there is enough paint. The paint on the back gate is finally dry enough that I can close it without it sticking to the frame. Above is how it looked when I had just started taking the paint off and below is how it looks today. Not a perfect job but perfectly adequate for a back gate.

Then it was time for our Zoom class, the first of the year. There was a lot of admin to go through first, checking we knew all the information in the learners' handbook so we didn't do a lot of Welsh. We had a gentle start to get our confidence and pronunciation back. There were plenty of additional courses on during the summer which some people have done but I didn't fancy any of those. Two new people have signed up but didn't appear today so it might just be the old crowd.
After class I did the ironing and then washed the floors which is something that doesn't need doing that often. With doors open at both ends of the house the breeze is drying the floors as I type. 
Soon I shall be off to disco aerobics, shorts I think for tonight, and that will be the end of my full day.
Sunset last night.

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