Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 26 September 2024


The weather today has felt more intense. The sunny spells were brighter and hotter while the sudden showers have been dark and very heavy. And we've had some wonderful rainbows. (The second photo below has a section of a second faint rainbow on the far left.)
I've had a busy day. First thing this morning I drove to town for breast screening. Now that I'm almost seventy (falls off chair laughing) it's my last time though I can self refer if I really want. After getting squished I did the Lidl shopping as I've got quite a bit to do in town tomorrow. I bought some gin ready to get the sloe gin started. I've been keeping an eye on the price of gin for the last six months or so hoping to catch a special offer but the price in all of the supermarkets has never dropped below £18.75 for a litre. I think there must be a set price to stop anyone getting too sloshed on cheap gin. It must have been those mean Conservatives harking back to Hogarth.
The middle of the day was taken up with the Zoom class. We have two new people joining us this year. It's strange that in a class of ten people we have two chaps called Peter and two called Brian. What are the odds of that? We made good progress in the lesson using adjectives with my favourite subject - food.

Off in a minute to disco aerobics. The rain is back so I'll have to drive down.

Looking at the two clouds in the centre I wonder if they were trying to form waterspouts?

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