Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 12 September 2024


More rain and fewer rainbows today.
I still made it down to Cake and Cultivate as this is my last time for a while since Welsh lessons start up again next week. We did some weeding in the polytunnel before retiring to the Watershed for a cake with butter icing and plum jam. I shall miss these Thursday chats though I do see some of the others around the village and at other activities.
On the way home I met someone who was able to tell me why those three police vans had been in the High st three weeks ago. It wasn't a chimney fire after all (just a lot of very black smoke) but there had been an argument between an older resident and some contractors which had resulted in the police being called. Three van loads of police does sound excessive. 
I seem to have spent a lot of the afternoon making adjustments to the straps on my riding hat. The hats now have straps that go around the back as well and for some reason, even though my hat was properly fitted in the shop, it does tend to come down low over my eyebrows. In the lesson I keep having to push it up and putting my head down to belt through the trees in the forest I could see very little. I tried all the different adjustments you can make then ended up sewing part of the soft leather on each side over to shorten it and keep the hat sitting more upright. Hopefully that has done the job.
Off right now to disco aerobics.

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