Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Still Sunny.

There were more clouds this morning but by the afternoon there was not a cloud to be seen and it was beautifully hot. If it carries on like this for a few more days we should have some red tomatoes to harvest.

Not only was the sun shining but there was a good drying wind. Good for the washing on the line and also for painting. I wasn't happy with the finish of the back gate as there was a ton of dust/ bits caught on the surface so I sanded it down with extra fine sandpaper and used a new paintbrush to give it one last coat of paint. It already looks so much better. Then I moved on to the doors into the garage. But when I sanded and washed them down I noticed the tell-tale holes of woodworm. While I knew it wouldn't be effective over paintwork I still went over the whole lot with woodworm killer hoping that enough would penetrate the spaces between the boards and down into the holes to kill whatever is or was living in there. Then I painted over the oxblood doors with the blue gloss. I had been waiting for all the repairs to the render to be done (hah!) before painting over the walls and then all the woodwork but the delay by the builders is forcing me to do things backwards.
And now for some photos and FB videos from yesterday -
Having climbed the first big hill we stopped to look out to Aberystwyth and the sea on the horizon.

There were plenty of even steeper hills to ride up and then down, 
with some level tracks through woods and forests.
We stopped to let the horses have a drink as we crossed over the Rheidol close to the stables.
And here are some short FB videos showing the varied terrain we crossed on our epic day. There's also a good one of the red kites being fed up at Nant Yr Arian just before we left. - The hill topsA very steep trackAbove Craig Y Pistyll if you stop the video at 58 seconds in right in the middle is the bridge where on the Sunday walks, we ate our lunch. To the left of that is the path that climbs the rockface beside the waterfalls which are hidden by the ridge of trees, More downhill in the forest ,Kite feeding and Homeward bound. (All these photos and videos were taken by Iola Evans riding on Petra.)

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