Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 27 July 2014


It has been very windy today and noticeably cooler. In the morning I got on with some 'gardening' ie pouring boiling water along all the joints between the paving slabs of the patio around the house. Wellington boots were needed for this job as the hot water tended to splatter. I didn't need to keep on boiling the water as the water from the hot water tap was very hot. It's probably a good thing that I used up some of the water from the hot water tank. Hot water is the one thing we never lack in this place, it's such a shame that the washing machine only uses cold water so we're paying extra to heat up the water once it is in the washing machine.
I have to walk carefully around the buddlia bushes as a whole hive of bees seems to be busy collecting nectar. Although bee stings don't worry me I have found over the years that I've reacted a bit more strongly each time I got stung to the point where my ankle swelled up for several days. I do declare this mild allergy whenever I've had an operation. At the private hospital I got a red wrist band because of this while at the NHS hospitals just a standard white wrist band. 
This afternoon I had my first shower since the operation (as per orders), such a good feeling to have a shower rather than washing at the sink, and Peter took off the dressing. The surgical tape they stick over the wound is still there but I'll just wait until  it unsticks itself. The cut this time is only half of the first one hence the rapid recovery. I had a look at my notes and this time it was a micro-decompression while last time it was a decompression. (No more operation details now, I promise.)
Collecting the washing from the line this afternoon I picked the first of the mange tout, they tasted so sweet.
BTW - Peter did call in at Homebase last Monday and bought the last 4 of the white side plates on sale. Now I shall keep my eyes open for some plain white bone china dinner plates on sale to complete our mix and match crockery.

1 comment:

happyone said...

All the photos are lovely. My favorite is the first one. It looks like a painting. Very pretty.

I still haven't tried the boiling water but I will!!